The Homework Policy is one of the key distinctions of CFIS. Parents have signed an agreement to consistently fulfill this requirement with their child. If a student does not regularly complete the homework assignments, corrective steps will be taken. Every student has homework, Monday through Friday, 60-120 minutes per night. Occasionally, students may also need to work on projects on the weekends. Even when all classroom assignments are completed, the full amount of the home study period is to be utilized for further learning activities. Copying another student’s homework or allowing another student to copy your homework is a violation of our Ethics Policy.
Students must make up assignments issued due to absence. Student assignments will be posted in each classroom. A student who has been absent must get the missed assignment from the designated area and turn it in to the teacher within the allotted time. In cases of extended illness of three days or more, please allow a full day for the materials to be compiled. Makeup work for absences due to suspension is provided.
Students who will be on vacation for five days or more may request an Independent Study. The office needs a written request two weeks prior to the date of Independent Study. Students are required to complete this work while on vacation in order to comply with state attendance requirements.
Z.A.P. (Zeroes Are Prohibited)
The Z.A.P. program is designed to encourage students to complete their homework in a timely manner. Each academic teacher will check homework the day that it is due, and if a student is missing their homework or it is incomplete (where it would result in a failing grade), they will be ZAPPED! What does this mean?
* Zapped students will receive a ZAP Period the following day, which takes place during their lunch. This is an opportunity for students to complete their homework and turn it in for a grade. Students will be provided time to get their lunch and eat it.
* Zapped students will also have an opportunity to be UN-ZAPPED and avoid the ZAP Period the next day. ZAPPED students may complete their homework the evening after they were ZAPPED and turn it in the following morning to their teacher. The teacher will then UN-ZAP the student, and the student will not have a ZAP Period. Students must check with their teacher as to when they can turn in missing work to be UN-ZAPPED (every teacher has their own policy and procedure).
* Parents of ZAPPED Students will be notified by phone the same day their student was ZAPPED.
Students who remain off the ZAP list for the entire trimester will be rewarded with a Dance and Ice Cream Party during periods 5A and 5B. We will also raffle some awesome prizes during this reward party.
Our goal with the ZAP program is for every student to be successful here at CFIS, and we want to reward those students who are responsible and strive for academic excellence.