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CFIS Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy

for Corona Fundamental I.S.

Students of Corona Fundamental Intermediate School are subject to an Ethics Policy, which deals with students who cheat. All tests, quizzes, reports, or other school related assignments are subject to this policy.

Students are expected to refrain from all forms of cheating, including lying, plagiarism and fraud. Copying the work of another person with the intent of representing it as your own is plagiarism. Allowing someone to copy your work is scholastic fraud. Both plagiarism and scholastic fraud are forms of cheating that damage the entire school community. Cheating also applies to club and leadership activities. Cheating hinders the academic success of all students by limiting the learning of the cheaters and depriving ethical students of accolades and recognition honestly earned.

Cheating includes looking at another student's paper or talking during an exam. Helping another student cheat on an exam or assignment is also a violation of the Ethics Policy if it has been made clear by the instructor that students are to work on their own. The following action will be taken in regard to students in violation of this policy.

1st Offense

  • Automatic “O” or “F” on the assignment or test. Student is still responsible for completing the test or assignment.
  • Teacher contacts parent with details of offense and explains consequences and contract.
  • Referral placed in student discipline file.
  • Trimester (semester for A-track) citizenship grade will be lowered in the class where the violation occurred.
  • Student is placed on probation for the remainder of the school year.
  • Student signs an Ethics Policy Contract, copy goes home for parent signature, his/her teachers are notified, and a copy is placed in discipline file.
  • Four-hours of Saturday school.

2nd Offense

  • Student assigned a “U” in citizenship for the trimester.
  • Referral placed in student discipline file and all his/her teachers notified.
  • Parent conference.
  • Student removed from any club or leadership positions for the remainder of the school year.
  • Two days on campus suspension.

3rd Offense

  • Referral placed in student discipline file and all teachers notified.
  • Parent conference.
  • Student removed from all extracurricular and school activities (except the promotion ceremony) for the remainder of the school year.
  • Suspension
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