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Policies & Procedures


Students are expected to be present and punctual for all classes throughout the year. In accordance with the state education codes, legal (excused) absences include illness, death in the immediate family, official quarantine, and professional services of a doctor or dentist. All other absences are considered either unexcused or truancies. Students who are habitually truant, or who are chronic non-attendees will be referred to the District Child Welfare and Attendance Counselor for a referral to the Student Attendance and Review Board (SARB). Parents are strongly requested to call in student absences to our 24 hour attendance line (951-736-3362)the morning of the absence. We will be calling home or the parents' workplace whenever a student is absent and the parent has not called.


Students must be in the room in their assigned seats and ready to begin when the bell rings. A student with an excused pass will not be considered tardy.The tardy policy operates on a trimester basis.Parent contact and assigned consequences will be handled by the teacher for the first tardy.Additional tardies will result in referrals to administration.

Tardies (All periods)

  1. Warning - (1st trimester only) teacher records

  2. Lunch detention - referral

  3. After-school detention - referral

  4. ACP or 2 hours Saturday School- referral

  5. 4 hours Saturday School- referral
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